Magdalene’s in Gulf Breeze: Design with a Cause

Having led our own family-run business for decades, I’m always on the lookout for ways to support other local businesses and artists in the Gulf Breeze area. So when a friend at church mentioned a nearby shop, Magdalene’s Gifts and Gatherings, and their unique cause, I knew I needed to check it out. 

As soon as I entered, I found original art, unique photography, pottery, and other handcrafted gifts — and I loved it. Handmade pieces are always a warm welcome in our homes, aren’t they? There’s something special about having a unique element that brings a story and depth to the space we live in. 

In this case, the story these pieces invite into homes is more than meets the eye. Magdalene’s wares are motivated by a meaningful mission, one that moved me to share this special non-profit with you. 

A House with a New Purpose 

Magdalene’s House is a long-term, trauma-informed residential treatment center for women who are survivors of trafficking, prostitution, abuse, and addiction. The inspiration for this non-profit came when a local massage parlor operator confessed to trafficking women to trade sexual acts for money and prostitution. The massage parlor was centrally located in the Gulf Breeze community and had been closed down. 

Where there is a painful story, there is the opportunity to rewrite it. Local women saw a chance to transform the shuttered massage parlor into the store we know as Magdalene’s Gifts and Gatherings. It’s now a place of hope with a beautiful energy.

They sell goods made by local artisans and the women in recovery, with proceeds going back into the cause, supporting the women who require what they need to completely start their lives over. From housing, clothing, education, medical services, and emotional support, they receive all the assistance that will allow them to begin again. 

As a designer, it’s my job to help our clients create a home where they feel warm and safe, where they can build joyful memories and live life to the fullest. But the simple truth is that everyone deserves a safe and welcoming place to call home. I love that Magdalene’s House is giving women that hope and a fresh start, and I couldn’t be more passionate about supporting this noble, human, and life-affirming cause. 

If you’re also feeling moved by this fantastic non-profit, here’s how you can help, too!

1. Shop at Magdalene’s Gifts and Gatherings

Yes, every gift really does count. At Christmas time, I bought several “Love Heals” candles at Magdalene’s. While I loved giving the candles, what brought me even more joy was that my friend opened her candle, loved it, and then bought several more to share with her friends! 

Giving gifts from Magdalene’s is a way to bring awareness and spread the message. You never know how far that ripple effect will travel or the good it can do. Here are some of the gifts they offer:

2. Volunteer at Magdalene’s

There are several ways to volunteer your time at Magdalene’s. The gift shop and online orders are all managed by volunteers, or you can work with the women directly at Magdalene’s House. Although there is a process to get started (to maintain the safety of those in recovery), there are plenty of opportunities for assisting with transportation, personal care, and hospitality. 

3. Make a Donation

You can visit their website for more information on Magdalene’s and how to donate to this worthy non-profit. 

Well, that’s it for this week, but I hope this topic inspires you to visit or, if you’re not in Gulf Breeze, to check out the local non-profits around you. I guarantee there are plenty of great causes just waiting to be discovered.

With love,


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